LooLoo Kids - Nursery Rhymes and Children's Songs
LooLoo Kids - Nursery Rhymes and Children's Songs

Welcome to LooLoo Kids💖 is an engaging and educational YouTube channel designed for children and parents alike. With a vast collection of songs, stories, and games, our content is tailored to entertain and inspire kids of all ages while promoting critical thinking, creative exploration, and a sense of imagination. Our upbeat and catchy songs feature colorful visuals and lovable characters like Johny, Emmy, Monica, Laura, Siu, and Li, who take kids on exciting adventures while teaching them valuable lessons about manners, weather, the alphabet, and more. Our stories and games are designed to be fun and educational, providing a unique learning experience that helps children discover and explore the world around them. At LooLoo Kids, we take education seriously, which is why we ensure that Johny and his friends are always having fun while learning from every adventure and activity.







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YouTube Account Projections
Time Until Date Subscribers Views Videos
Current Stats 2024-05-12 56,700,000 34,452,207,733 828
30 days 2024-06-11 56,916,840 34,699,413,553 828
60 days 2024-07-11 57,133,680 34,946,619,373 828
3 months 2024-08-10 57,350,520 35,193,825,193 828
6 months 2024-11-08 58,001,040 35,935,442,653 828
9 months 2025-02-06 58,651,560 36,677,060,113 828
1 year 2025-05-12 59,338,220 37,459,878,543 828
1 year and half 2025-11-10 60,653,716 38,959,593,851 828
2 years 2026-05-12 61,976,440 40,467,549,353 828
Based on an average of +7,228 subscribers /day +8,240,194 views /day - videos /day